Tools Used by Professional Nail Salons

  1. Base Coat: Transparent or milky-white, applied before nail polish to enhance adhesion.
  2. Nail Polish Remover: Used to remove nail polish and residual polish.
  3. Nail Polish: Contains deep pigments; selection varies based on preferences and needs.
  4. Cuticle Softener: Softens the skin around the nails, aids in removing damaged natural nails, and facilitates crystal nail polishing.
  5. Cuticle Cream: Often contains glycerin, removes aged keratin layers, and keeps the skin moisturized. Used for massaging and caring for cracked hands.
  6. Bleaching Agent: Contains hydrogen peroxide or citric acid, used to remove stains on crystal nails.
  7. Nail Polish Thinner: Thins thick nail polish; should not be substituted with nail polish remover.
  8. Nail Art Brushes: Used for painting artistic designs on nails.
  9. Nail Serum: Strengthens natural nails; can substitute for base coat in foot care.
  10. Gloss Oil: Protects nail polish, maintains its shine. The thicker the gloss oil, the longer the drying time and higher the glossiness.
  11. Cuticle Softening Agent: Softens cuticles.

In addition, maintaining strict aseptic procedures is crucial in professional nail care. Therefore, disposable tissues, cotton balls, spatulas, 75% alcohol, hemostatic wipes, antiseptics, baking soda, disinfectants, rust inhibitors, etc., are essential for ensuring a sterile environment during nail procedures.

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